Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A Banana Split IS a full meal!

Some days you just have to break the rules. At least a little.

Remember comedian Bill Cosby's bit about making breakfast for his kids? Eggs and milk and flour and sugar are ALL contained in chocolate cake!  And about the same can be said for a great banana split.


Today we went south for at least one night, without the coach.  I know, Toad and Frog do NOT like to be separated, and we do miss our home.  Its so wonderfully convenient to be at home, truly, wherever you are.  But the coach is getting its final major repairs (new refrigerator, new bathroom sink faucet, roof having its caulking redone, etc) up in Colorado Springs and the shop would have needed it at 8:00 am Wednesday morning anyway.  Hey!  We're retired! We're trying not to need alarm clocks!

So we went south.  South to several small towns / cities and we found great libraries, cool walkabouts, and interesting people to talk with.  None more interesting than Tom, who owns the Royal Gourmet Popcorn, Fresh Fudge & Ice Cream Parlor. Check out his website at rggp.biz .

Tom and his wife run this parlor on the main business street in little, but not TOO little, town of Florence, Colorado.  A town full of antique shops (literally FULL) and farm folk from the surrounding Fremont County.

We went in looking for a burger and ice cream to share.  But Tom does no sandwiches, and we weren't able to justify popcorn or fudge with ice cream so.... we shared a BIG banana split!

 Just like I enjoyed once in a great while as a kid in the downtown Harrisburg, PA, Woolworth.

 Mona enjoyed them as a child 'once in a very great while' at Dan Smith's, in Brookville, PA.

 Tom told us he gets regulars all the time but loves getting travelers like us.  he has owned a 35 foot diesel pusher for years.  He's gone through several of them.  He and his wife just love the freedom they give them to go where they want and enjoy the great outdoors.

He told us a traveling salesman who REALLY travels the US in his motorhome stops in for a malt every time he's in town.  This guy tells Tom he's tried malts all over the country and none are better than Tom's.  Well, we can say his splits are as good as ANY we've ever had, and we try to share one at least once or twice a year. Oh, wait! That was BEFORE we were retired!

Mona saw and photographed this picture on a shelf above the 1950 soda fountain. She said it made her think of us.  I think so too.  Even though neither of us have to stand on the seats to reach the straws anymore.  :)

As for the rest of the day, we've documented that in pictures on my Facebook page.  Don't hesitate to 'friend' me if you want to see them and we aren't 'friends' now.

Penrose, Canon City and finally Pueblo filled our day.

In Pueblo we shared a small pizza at Angelo's down on the Riverwalk.  Great pizza!  And a cute slogan on the staff shirts!  Especially with the opening of the first recreational marijuana store in Manitou Springs (see that FB page!) You might think its cute too!


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