Sunday, June 15, 2014

Bombs to Bison

World War 2 had only just begun when the US built the first biological weapons plant just north of Denver, CO.  Hundreds of homesteaders, some families who had worked this land for 100 years were bought out for almost 20,000 acres of deadly chemical bombs to be researched and manufactured.

The Germans had used such chemicals in WW 1.  The US knew they were using chemicals to kill thousands, then millions, of civilians.  Why would they not use them on Allied soldiers again?  

But NO side used chemical weapons in WW 2. The allies wouldn't be the first to do so and Adolf Hitler, so some say, after having been gassed horribly in WW 1, rejected any idea of using it in warfare himself. The Japanese, it is said, refused to use such a cowardly weapon.

But after the war, someplace had to be found to store the millions of shells and bombs made for use in the next war. And now new research was required. The era of the 'cold war' was begun.

Closed down in 1992 the plant area began to be cleaned up and all several thousand acres but a small area the army will use for generations to store the last residue which cannot be removed was declared CLEAN in 2010.

Today a lovely visitors center stands in the middle of mule deer, bison, and prairie dogs.  And a lovely, knowledgeable couple are ready to serve all guests with information, great stories, and smiles.  Dick and Sandy Collins are long time RVer's (Fifth Wheelers) and in retirement love to work here, near their grandbabies and home, but travel to Texas and the southwest for up to three months each winter.

Sandy told us about some of their best and worst RVing locations and Dick pointed out where to find the buffalo herd. So one destination we won't miss is Big Bend National Park on the Rio Grande River in Texas, and the herd was right where Dick told us they would be.

Of course what would a Plains Wildlife Refuge be like without also Prairie Dogs, Mule Deer, and White Pelicans.

White Pelicans? Where do they come from?  Son Jim, who lives just north in Nederland, CO, says the same place the white seagulls come from. :)

 But if Mona can find out where she will!  Watch out , "Any wild thing that moves"! Ramona DeWalt is stalking you with binoculars and camera in hand.



  1. I am so Happy that it cost me nothing to take this trip. Enjoying your blog. Prayers for safe travel.

  2. Keith, keep on taking them free! When I fall off a cliff to get that slightly better picture just donate something in my name to Hope!
