Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sunday blessings and the BEACH

A beautiful worship service here at De Leon United Methodist Church.  But first, SUNDAY SCHOOL!

Nate leads the adult class here.  It was great to meet he and his wife Kathy, especially today.  Nate has been struggling with Gods direction for his life and he shared some of his most recent contemplations with the class today.  Gods direction was simple, and of course it is the same direction we must all take, but for Nate and Kathy right now I ask all believers who read this post to pray for focus on Jesus Christ, and that nothing will come between them and Gods present obvious call upon their lives.

As I said, worship was great.  About 70 gathered and we were led in praise songs and hymns by Pastor Ken and their very able keyboardist.

One child was present, the church Administrator’s granddaughter. She and Grandma shared the acolyte position today, and when Sister Trudy came forward to share the children’s message she marched right up on her own with little urging.

Pastor Ken spoke on ‘thanks’ today, with the primary take away I received being that we are the ones blessed when we take time to thank others.

His Scripture illustration came from the story of the 10 healed lepers, and the one who returned of all 10 who thought enough to give thanks.  I can’t describe Ken’s style of preaching well enough, but I have rarely heard a story of the Bible made so real as Pastor Ken told this one in his own words today.

 I felt I could understand the real sense of loss these sick men had experienced with leprosy for so long, and their genuine joy at being healed. Pastor Ken is a wonderful preacher, and while there was no altar call at the conclusion of this service, if anyone needed touched by God, I believe they were today.

Mona and I hustled east to the Atlantic Coast for the afternoon; straight into Daytona Beach.  We passed the raceway, and saw the new construction on the north seats, but you can’t get close enough to anything else to get photos when the gates are closed, even though this place is HUGE.

So here are some pics I did NOT take today.

Then a bit south we drove through Daytona Shores, on the end of this barrier island, to Ponce Inlet.  There is a beautifully restored lighthouse there and those famous drive-on beaches Daytona is so famous for.

We walked, relaxed, read, and when the sun dipped low went west again to a Laundromat near home in De Leon Springs.

We’ve got to stop doing laundry on the weekend. Man this place was BUSY. But Mona got her two machines and we got done and home for supper before too long a time.

It rained a little tonight, and might rain a little each day for a while.  However no snow is forecast and the temps, even when they dip low over TG day, will still top out around 60-65.

Thanksgiving is coming friends! But lets not hold our thanks till Thursday.


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